
New mediums.

Over the course of the past year, i’ve slowly been learning and exploring a new medium: Jewelry [ silver ].This came from one of many late night idea building discussions with @forgotaboutk227, this one was about jewelry that featured eyes and our interests | love for them. Looking online and what was available became too generic.
Like many of these, they tend to find you rather than you find them. Not interested in what we came across, the next natural question was ” how can we make them?” As a few seasons ago I was given a unique and cleverly cultivated gift from some loved ones: Silver cuff links made with antique prosthetic eyes. In hindsight this had to be a major catalyst, one that took root awhile ago and only recently broke through the surface.

As it turns out those cuff links were commissioned through my mother [ table jewelry ] is a trained gold smith who works specifically in silver for longer than i’ve been around. While over the years I have done small one off jewelry projects but nothing so involved like these current projects. She has recently been teaching & sharing with me her insights within this medium. It is a slow process and so much more involved than anything i’ve done to date. Yet, it’s something that has a reward quiet possibly unlike anything i’ve done before. Not that everything before hand came easy or bared no rewards, but some things resonate with people differently. After many sessions of polishing, patina, & cleaning you see what once was sheets of silver, and in this case; antique German doll eyes & in the palm of your hand you feel a level of connectivity to the metals that came from the ground and is what it is now because of your shaping.

Working with silver over the last few months, has me re-prioritizing what I’d like to work on going forward. I’m looking forward to creating more within this field from someone so versed, skilled and close to me.

concepts :

in progress :

final results :